Monday, August 16, 2010


 It was Saturday and i feel like i don't have to worry of anything no phone calls to return, no laundry , no shopping , no dinner with someone,aside from the fact that Meliza called me the other day for facial schedule for today but then again i didn't receive any confirmation from her so i guess it's my day... only me...
It was just me and my bed and this thing...I wonder why i keep seeing my self alone, many friends but with few to be with in times you needed them lucky me i got M&M to talk to even if we quarrel in any minute with unnecessary things. i can still smile receiving messages from him.

I wonder how busy the highways now... for all the workers needs break. its a wonderful weekends ... i guess... for them.. yeah ' absolutely!

I just have finished my lunch i cooked. Thinking i might change my nail color today... hmmm better idea . . . after an hour finally done with my nails...

8:30 in the evening i just receive a call from a friend mae ann who were inviting me for an unwind get together, its pretty cool but i ruther stay at home today beside im already at my bed. IL catch up with this guys soon maybe....

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